Paddy Power Betfair (PBB) is a subsidiary of Flutter Entertainment. One of the world’s largest sports betting companies, Flutter now facilitates online and retail betting through brands such as FanDuel, PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker, FOX Bet, and Sportsbet after merging with the Stars Group in 2020. PBB wanted to better understand their existing capacity levels, trends, and future needs, in order to optimize and plan for use of data center resources. PPB engaged in a proofof-concept arrangement with Sunbird and provided a highly detailed scope of work that described all the features and reporting capabilities they needed. Read about how Sunbird’s software has significantly reduced the effort and time required for capacity management reporting. Now, reports are easy to create and customize with high levels of detail and monitoring. PPB has also been able to reduce complexity in the use of their physical and digital assets and reduce downtime.