iPDU Configuration and Firmware Updates Simplify Data Center Deployments and Monitoring
SOMERSET, N.J., August 16, 2018 — Sunbird Software, the global innovator in data center management software solutions, today announced the general availability of its latest Power IQ® Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) Monitoring software. Release 6.2 expands Power IQ’s PDU management features to enable data center managers to bulk configure and monitor their Server Technology intelligent PDUs.
“Modern data center managers are responsible for thousands of intelligent PDUs across both traditional enterprise and colocation data centers," said Herman Chan, President, Sunbird Software. “As a truly multi-vendor DCIM solution, Power IQ 6.2 provides the bulk configuration and firmware update capabilities they need to effectively deploy and manage their devices faster and with fewer clicks. Power IQ’s unique, industry-leading support for Raritan® and Server Technology® PDUs was made possible due to our close relationships with these partners.”
Deploy and Update Server Technology iPDUs with Fewer Clicks
In Power IQ 6.2, the bulk configuration enhancements previously available to Raritan devices can now be applied to Server Technology iPDUs. Users can bulk update firmware, passwords, IP addresses, subnet masks, gateways, SNMP settings, and trap destinations across Raritan and Server Technology iPDUs to comply with corporate security requirements and deploy new resources faster. Users can complete changes in minutes, without having to manually log in to each PDU. Information from these changes is captured in Power IQ’s audit log and can be exported to CSV or PDF for further data analysis and collaboration.
“Despite the benefits of deploying intelligent PDUs with sensors and other instrumented facility devices across modern data center environments, managing these distributed devices and extracting value from the volumes of data collected has become increasingly complex,” said Jeffrey Fidacaro, Senior Analyst, Datacenters & Critical Infrastructure, 451 Research. “DCIM software is a critical enabler for maximizing the value of these smart devices, while also simplifying their monitoring and management. DCIM systems that are vendor-neutral and support a broad range of facility devices such as iPDUs provide managers with a unified, granular view of operations and greatly enhance data center capacity planning.”
"Power IQ’s bulk configuration enhancements will make it faster and easier to manage the Server Technology iPDUs in my data centers," said Joseph Keena, Data Center Manager and six-year Sunbird DCIM software user. "The ability to update SNMP settings, trap destinations, administrator passwords, and firmware versions for multiple devices with a single reusable template will simplify and streamline my most common iPDU management tasks. I’m excited to implement Release 6.2 in my data center environment."
Configure Environmental Sensors with Ease
Release 6.2 also introduces temperature and humidity sensor management enhancements that allow users to easily configure multiple sensor attributes and thresholds through a single screen. Sensors can be sorted and filtered by available criteria, such as name and associated facility item, or numerically analyzed using aggregate functions. Customized views of selected data can be exported to CSV.
“Cooling continues to be the hottest topic for our customers,” said James Cerwinski, Director of Product Management, Sunbird Software. “Power IQ’s environmental sensor management capabilities help users monitor, update, and report on their sensor readings to make data-driven data center management decisions.”
For more information on Power IQ 6.2, see the official announcement.
About Sunbird Software
Sunbird is a leading global provider of DCIM software. Learn more at https://www.sunbirddcim.com/.
Sunbird and Power IQ are registered trademarks of Sunbird Software. All other marks and names may be trademarks of their respective companies.
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